Sunday, August 28, 2016

#85: Of King’s and Commoners

With the 2016 election having been in full swing for what feels like the past year and a half it is about time to make a decision. For me, I'll be deciding based on who best fits the description in the poem below, granted whoever wins won't become king/queen, but still.

My hope for our next President is that they are characterized by an ability to lead with humility and grace. That they help conditions for the lower and middle class along with improving our relationship with foreign countries where the relationship is strained. I hope that they are true to their word and are sensible with their promises and proclamations. In short, whichever candidate is more like Jesus.

If power is great that a single man wields
Then it is imperative that he go down to the fields
To see the laborers, do they work with pride?
Or are they simmering with anger on the inside?
If the king cannot observe and discern
About the greatest of his laborers’ concern
Then that king does not belong on the throne
For he must serve the will of the laborers, not his own

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