It's easy to tell those little lies. You know, the ones that save you the trouble of having to share how you're really doing. It's easier to say you're doing fine even though you're struggling through something. Eventually you'll convince yourself that you're being a good friend by not bringing up your burdens to a loved one. This is an egregious lie. Your good friends will always want to know how you're really doing
Over time, the lying becomes a habit and eventually you will be left hoping no one catches on to what you are struggling through. You begin to live the lies and find yourself constantly hiding a part of who you are. Sure it's not the best part of you, but your true friends want to know the true you and they won't judge you for your flaws. In fact, they'll help you push through your struggles.
So if you find yourself stuck and in hiding, let go of the lies you have been propping up and let your true self be revealed. You'll be surprised by how much love will come your way.
Liu Bolin: Camouflage Artist |
I’ve constructed walls that don’t have doors,
To hide the things that the world abhors.
I’ve lost all sense of what makes me free,
I strived to live by ambiguity.
The walls I’ve constructed are made up of lies
In hopes that in some way I can get by.
Without anyone knowing the pain that I feel,
I’ve gone on to live by what is not real.
I hide within, secretly hoping to be found,
Meanwhile my pain just drags me down.
Further into the pit that my own negligence has created,
My friendships have been strained, the closest ones negated.
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