Monday, September 5, 2016

#86: A Single Knock

A single knock
It's echo will fade 
In time
But time is forever

So what of the knock?
What came of it?
A door was opened
But only for a moment

What came of that moment?
A greeting was shared
Pleasantries expressed
Then the moment faded
Into infinity

Yet each moment begets the next moment
And the next begets the moment after that
And on and on and on it goes
That single knock
It's echo is never ending

Insignificant things become significant when you peal back the layers of existence. Every part no matter how big or small makes up our vast universes existence in this specific moment in time. Every interaction with every particle from the beginning of time (whenever that was) to the present time is what constitutes our present reality. And the interactions that take place now will impact the future for all time until the end of time. 

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