Sunday, March 15, 2015

#9: Rose in the Rubble

Not to be confused with Tupac Shakur''s, "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" which I encourage everyone to read, this poem below uses the same subject matter (a rose growing in an unlikely place) to teach a different lesson. The lesson that mankind's work, in the end, is finite and leads to ruin, but God's work is infinite and leads to life, even in the most unlikely of places. 

Fun fact about this poem - I wrote it on Pi Day, 3/14 and it only took three minutes to write. Possibly in 3.14 minutes but I wasn't timing myself. 

Everything we've built,
all that we've been doing,
it turned in to rubble,
it turned in to ruin.

Out of our own effort,
none of it could last,
all of our great works,
are relics of the past.

But look a little closer,
you'll see something surprising,
the future is approaching,
a stem begins arising.

Amidst the scorching sun,
amidst the pouring rain,
in spite of what we've done
there will be life again.

Lastly, Happy Birthday to my 2 year old niece Katie. You are so cute and sweet. I love you very much. See you soon.

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