Monday, March 9, 2015

#8 Tapestry


Nothing out there could make me more content
Then my sugar berry tree’s sweet summer scent
In the season its leaves, so lush and green
Butterflies flutter as hummingbirds sing
With shade from the leaves and branches to climb
These days off school are a glorious time
That front yard of my childhood, a kind memory
Made even sweeter by that sugar berry tree

I would play in that tree for days on end
So many games to play, worlds to pretend
I was king of the jungle, lord of the land
All of nature’s beasts obeyed my command
To add to such a marvelous thing
My papa attached to it a spectacular swing
Back and forth, to and fro
Flying around with nowhere to go

First loves often become memories of the past
But my first love was also my last
A beautiful gorgeous blue eyed girl
Her presence made my insides swirl
I invited her to my yard to play
We sat in that swing, what a glorious day
I held her close all through the night
Love blossoming between black and white

Sitting on the swing, I stared deep in to her eyes
Pondering how such feelings could arise
It couldn't get better, just us on that swing
On top of the world, I felt like a king
As time moved on, passerby’s would stare
they’d mutter they’re judgments while casting a glare
Apparently they didn't like what they saw
I was a young black man, but I broke no law
They burst through the door just past midnight
I was asleep in my bed, unaware of my plight
My love in tears she pointed and accused
I stared in disbelief, completely confused
A man with a gun yelled, “Is this him right here?”
He grabbed for my arm, I was frozen in fear
“Your filthy hands touched my daughter!”
He led me outside like a lamb to the slaughter

My front yard was now the place of my trial
Guilty the verdict by the rank and file
I guess I committed an unspeakable crime
But for my sentence, I would not do time
I looked at my love, but she wouldn't look back
I could not understand what brought this attack
I looked at my tree, for some sort of hope
But all I could see was my tree swings rope

Oh sweet sugar berry tree
All of their eyes stared murderously
I still don’t understand what I did wrong
Why society deemed that I can’t belong
They strung me up with the rope from my swing
And turned me in to a ghostly being
Who knew that love could bring such spite?
This is no place for black and white

This poem is inspired by (but not based on) the story of Lennon Lacy, a 17 year old who was found hanging from a swing in North Carolina. The police concluded it was suicide, however, further evidence is pointing to this being a lynching. In 2014. A lynching. In the United States. Terrible.

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