Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Greatest Comfort

Greatest Comfort

You hated when we left for church
I could see a twinge of dread in your face
We dressed up nice
That's when you knew
But you couldn't stop it
We were going to church

The church nursery
I could feel your nerves
You cringed to my arms
"" you said
Not yelling, more like pleading
Your greatest comfort was mama and daddy

I would set you down
Your grip turned tighter
I wiggled you down to the ground
You wrapped your arms around my legs
Your eyes said, "Don't leave!"
Your heart sunk as I walked away

I hate the moment when you left this world
Dread fills my face at the mere though
We'll dress up nice
To say our last goodbye
I couldn't save you
You have gone to heaven

I grieve now
I am a ball of nerves
I cling to your memory
"" I say
Not yelling, more like pleading
My greatest joy was your smiling face

You used to cling to me at church
Your greatest comfort was mama and daddy
Yet there is one greater comfort
Jesus is the greatest comforter
Greater than mama and daddy combined
Cling to him as we cling to him

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