Sunday, December 4, 2016

#99: Beauty of the Redeemed

Why does God love us? We don't deserve God's love. But here it is for us to experience. God loves us, because God is love. As for our ability to love. It's not in what we can do, or what we project as our image. Love and it's capacity for good has nothing to do with status and everything to do with willingness and desperation.

Above the surface 
Is a plastic smile
He puts on his mask 
To hide what’s defiled
For beneath the surface 
Hides a pitiful soul
A broken life 
That has taken its toll
He manages his surface 
with careful preparation
As his soul descends down 
Towards desperation
It’s within our depths 
That true man lies
When he sees his soul; 
That true man cries
He calls out 
From the depths of his mind
As he witnesses the weakness 
That he can’t put behind
For whom he is 
Needs reparation
This created being 
Cannot endure separation
He is as lost as a ship 
Tossed out to sea
Pummeled by the storm 
That is his own iniquity
Mankind seeks to find 
Hope in redemption
He seeks to find peace 
Purpose and direction

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