Sunday, October 2, 2016

#90: Sprouts of Denial

During relationship counseling, I had the privilege of going through an exercise of inner healing prayer. I had never done this before and found it to be extremely helpful in identifying issues in my life that are deeply rooted. Going beyond that, it gave me an opportunity to address those things and give them to Jesus. Although an intense experience and supremely humbling, it was also very freeing and gave me a greater awareness of myself and my struggles. 

The best thing that happened in this time was giving the darker parts of my life to Jesus. I learned how to reject and renounce the lies in my head that were robbing me of the joy that the Lord desires. When you have a moment, I would recommend asking the Lord to reveal what lies may be stuck in your heart that are robbing you of the full joy that God has for you. 

Thank you to my girlfriend Kelly and to Doug and Sandy who initiated the inner healing time. 

Below is a poem I wrote a few years ago about doubt. I believe doubt is the cause of a lot of the pain that I allowed in to my life. The opposite of doubt is belief. When I believe in God, and believe in people, then I am able to experience the full joy that God has in store. 

Denial, denial, sprouts out from doubt
Don’t, please don’t water those weeds
Pick it out, pick out what is rooted in doubt
And in the soil plant the good seeds
Let the sun shine, let the rain fall
Let the good soil cover it all
Grow into a garden, where flowers flourish in bloom

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