Your stance on homosexuality. It's one issue today that is sure to offend someone no matter which view you hold. A recent article in Time magazine regarding InterVarsity's policy on their staff's view of homosexuality has led to quite a shake up. You can read it on the link below.
The one positive that comes from this tension is that it forces us to examine why we believe what we believe. Are homosexuals sinners? Yes, as are heterosexuals. Does God love homosexuals? You bet he does. He loves them so much he would send his son Jesus to die for their sins. God created each and every one of us in His image and adores and loves us.
The controversy that Christians face is their understanding of the act of homosexuality and if that is to be considered a sin itself. For those that say it is a sin, they will hear that their view is discriminatory and judgmental. For those that say it is not a sin, they will hear that their view is not in line with scripture and contributes to the moral decay of our society.
Below is a poem written from the point of view of a homosexual who has decided to follow Jesus. I am no expert myself on the subject, but I would gather that someone who is both Christian and homosexual, that they may feel stuck between two worlds.
Built up around me
This house of glass
I didn't even realize
It happened so fast
There is no exit
No way out
There isn't much room
To move about
I can see the world
And the world sees me
The light shines through
But I can’t go free
I cry out
For a hand, a stone
Shatter this reality
This prison’s not home
The glass house represents the societal constructs that we place around people. Whether it be race, sexuality, job status, religion. In this particular situation, it would be one's sexuality which creates a tension between their religion and their sexuality. The societal construct traps them and even though they are searching for freedom, they can't be free.