Sunday, December 27, 2015

#50: Contribution and Consumption

Look at high society, the powerful and mighty
The ratio to riches, truly unsightly
To the left of the middle, solve this riddle
How do so many end up with so little

It isn't fair until I get my share,
You getting yours? I don’t care
If my contribution equals my consumption
It’s a zero sum game left for my name
Examining lanes of capital gains
Leads me to conclude this system’s insane
We demand fairness, but fairness is a joke
Because the end will leave all of us broke

Is fairness really so great? It's definitely a key component in a  capitalist society, but I don't think its all its cracked up to be. Most of the time, when someone says something is unfair, its from a selfish perspective. If our end goal is for fairness, I don't think we're dreaming big enough. 

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