Saturday, November 28, 2015

#46: Preachers and Magicians

Lofty words and slight of hand
The stage, the lights, complete command
The mark, the sell, a trusted brand
Foundation built on sinking sand

Fanciful illusion or cheap parlor tricks
Throw it at the wall, see if it sticks
The audience loves you, their getting their kicks
Their broken hearts aren’t yours to fix.

Words aren’t meant to misdirect
But you right here look oh so perfect
Honesty and truth, I cannot detect
Bottom line, theirs cash to collect

If you go to a church, what is the primary message that your pastor preaches about? Hint, if it's not rooted in Jesus, it's not worth going to. 


  1. I was talking to Kevin the other day and he was saying he'd read your poetry if you wrote a poem about sports.

  2. Here you go Kevin.

    Lakers were the best
    Until Kobe got too old
    Now the Warriors rule
