Saturday, July 25, 2015

#28: Triggers and Synapses

How many neurons in the brain? Scientists say 86 billion. And synapses? 100 trillion or so that help neurons create neural networks that represent our brain functions. The complexity of our human brain is astounding. We often look to space as our understanding of how vast our existence is, but if we look inward, our minds are vast and possibly endless as well.

Infinity inside my head
It's hard for me to figure
All that's in my brain
Every switch and every trigger

The speed at which I think
To knowledge that is set
So much I remember
So much I forget

Infinity can be large
It also represents the small
For it truly is a concept
That seeks to cover all

Never ending are my thoughts
A vast appendix in my mind
With neurons and synapses
Who knows what thoughts I'll find

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