This one hurt to write. I had been writing it off and on over the past few months and thought there was enough here to finish it off. This poem is from the perspective of a 13 year old girl as she processes her parent's separation.
The things the girl is stating are just thoughts in her head, they aren't actually spoken to her dad. In fact, the only lines of spoken word come from the dad and he only has two lines.
The different colors represent the different ranges of feelings. The blue is a representation of love and comfort, those feelings are less pronounced because even though she hears the words from her dad, they don't take full meaning due to other emotions taking hold. The different reds represents her anger while the green is her despair. The purple represents how she will attempt to understand love going forward.
As we finished our ice cream, daddy gave me the biggest hug and said
“Goodbye for now.”
My mind felt a surge of emotion
Goodbye for now?
to our family!
to normalcy!
to my safety net!
to my confidant.
to mommy smiling at daddy.
Goodbye to warm feelings
of home.
I knew he wouldn't be gone,
But it would never be the same.
I knew he loved
But this was a new kind of pain.
I was helpless
And there was nothing he could do.
He squeezed me
This was the worst kind of goodbye.
I would never see my dad the same way
I cried into his arms,
And he held me
“I’m so sorry I
have to go honey, it will take time to get used to it, but remember,
I still love you just the same.”
the same?
It will never be the same!
You won’t wake me in the
morning all chipper and happy anymore!
You won’t come home from work
and find me hiding trying to sneak up on you!
You’re not gone forever,
but this will never be the same.
I don’t hate you daddy,
But I don’t know what love is anymore.
My body felt defeated
And my daddy could tell
He wanted to hug
me tighter
For me to know
how much he cares
But my body couldn't respond.
This is what despair is.
It’s over, everything I know and
love is changing,
I’m losing it all.
Embarrassed to
be crying in public,
Embarrassed for
my daddy,
I choked up the
rest of my tears.
I hardened my
heart and thought of other things.
Of what I’ll do
at school tomorrow,
And what I’ll
I promised
myself I would no longer care enough to cry.
But deep down,
I knew
At the core of myself
Was a well of dammed up tears
Ready to come gushing out
Every time I thought of him.