Monday, January 19, 2015

#1 - Ghostly

I've written a lot of poems in my life, but have never shared too many of them. On occasion I've sent some to friends by request, and a few of my best ones are posted on this blog, but for the most part, my poems have been kept to myself.

Some of them are funny, others philosophical, and others very personal. Some were written in seconds, others took months. I thought for this year, I'd post a poem I've written on a weekly basis and include a little blurb about the poem.

I'll begin with the poem that I am most fearful of sharing, because... why not start with a bang? It's about my struggles with connecting with people. I often find myself unable to truly connect with people on a deep level. I am blessed with some great friends, and do enjoy the depth of those relationships, but I often find myself asking the safe questions, instead of the important ones that really strengthen a friendship. In essence, I choose not to connect on a deeper level out of fear which causes me to miss out on things. As our souls are meant to connect with others, I often feel that mine does not. My soul then, feels ghostly. 

You cannot see me
You cannot hear me
You cannot touch me
You cannot taste me
You cannot feel me
You cannot hold me
You cannot know me
You cannot love me
My existence, in this instance
Is only witnessed by eyes unseeing
My only hope for you to reach me
Is if I climb into your dreams
In this plain of life, this menagerie
Of souls alive but not living
I do not see you
I do not hear you
I do not touch you
I do not taste you
I do not feel you
I do not hold you
I do not know you

I do not love you… but I want to.