Thursday, May 28, 2020

#111: The Wolf in Shepherds Clothing

A poem to reflect — specifically on the personhood of Jesus and if my understanding of who Jesus is aligns with the actuality of Jesus. For if I am blind to the injustice in this world then I am blind to who he truly is.

You go to church to worship
To a Jesus you trust as savior
You sing and dance and bless the Lord
You love that your Jesus is for you

You love your neighbor (your white neighbor)
You love your family (your white family)
Because the Jesus you perceive...
Blessed you

But the Jesus you perceive
Is not the shepherd of the Word
He is not of the God who created all things
He is not the God who Loves Justice and Mercy

The Jesus you perceive is deceiving you
The Jesus you perceive is a wolf
Dressed as your shepherd

He has deceived you into thinking 
that your life matters, 
but black lives don’t
He deceived you into thinking
That your culture
Is God’s chosen culture
He has deceived you 
into turning a blind eye 
to the hatred that surrounds you 
and maybe consumes you

You do nothing 
cause you’re blessed
You do nothing 
because you are saved
But the Jesus you follow is a false God
And your fruit bears it
And if your salvation is based on a falsehood
Then no part of you is saved

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

#109: A Sunday Lynching

R.I.P. Ahmaud Arbery 

Ear buds check,
Keys check,
Nike’s check,

Off through my neighborhood
To get my heart and lungs going
I jog almost every day
To feel my blood flowing

It’s a Sunday afternoon 
The weather is nice
I step out the front door
Turn on my Fitbit device

I wave to the neighbors
Why they wave their gun?
I’m just on a run
Out in the daylight sun

I breathe in 
The sweet air of the free
Next thing I see
A white truck’s chasing me
It pulls in front
So I change my course
The two men decide to use excessive force

A man jumps out
He grabs my shirt
I’m on high alert as he shoved me to the dirt
Two guns pointed 
Right at my chest
I’m unarmed and no bulletproof vest

I lunge for his piece
They open fire
I fall to the ground
My life’s about to expire
The pain is sharp
I see my blood flowing
My hearts pumping fast
I feel my lungs going

My last thought
As I cease to exist
They’ll get away 
With a case dismissed
Dead on the street 
Though with no provocation
“Stand your ground” 
Their defensive proclamation

I lament the racism that prevails today in the United States.