Tuesday, July 26, 2016

#80: Schmee and Me

A tribute to the greatest comedy routine ever. The immortal Who's on first.


At half past a quarter till three
A man named Schmee came to me
And asked how I came to be
I shared my life vividly
And concluded by saying “this is me

This term Schmee found troubling
He said “you’re not Schmee, I am me
So I responded “you are you, and I am me.”
So Schmee looked at me confusedly, “If you are you, and I am me,
 Then what are we?”
Well we are we, and I am me
But you’re not me, can’t you see?”
“Well I can clearly see that you’re not me,
Cause I am me” said Schmee.

But you yourself you cannot see,
So how do you know that you are me?”
“I’m not you, I am me.
This is clear as one two three,
I don’t need eyes to clearly see,
That you are you and I am me.”
“So of the two,
There’s me and you,
Through and through
And it’s untrue that I am you,
And that itself, is a major clue.”
“Yes, I agree,
Therefore, I can only be me,
And it’s true that you are you,
But it makes no sense to me,
When you claim to be… me.” Said Schmee

“Well this is an interesting game,
For if someone were to call my name
Because something broke and I’m to blame,
And a witness happened to be
Near to me and he claimed that I to be guilty,
And said my name before I could flee
I would respond, ‘that is me.’”

“But don’t you see that you are wrong,
That phrase itself, it doesn’t belong
Because when you say ‘that is me’
It seems you’re saying ‘I am Schmee’.
Besides if you were the bloke
Who was there when something broke,
And someone thought you to be guilty,
And called your name for all to see,
Wouldn’t you say ‘that’s not me’
And flee?

“Well, if I were to be crafty,
 I would likely say ‘I am Schmee’
And then run off before others could see,
That I was not who I claimed to be.
 So the next time I’m having fun,
And I break something while on the run,
And the police ask for my ID,
 I will not say ‘I am me’
Instead I’ll say ‘I am Schmee’ then
I will attempt to flee,
And when they search and look to see,
Where I ran and now happen to be,
My hopes then is that I see you,
And the police will not know what to do,
Because you’ll be Schmee
And I’ll be me,
And when they ask for our IDs
Yours will make you look guilty,
And I will be filled with glee
And walk away scot free.

“I hope then that you’re amused,
Cause I am thoroughly confused.
For if you were to commit a crime,
And I were the one to do the time,
I would make sure to clear my name,
And prove that you were the one to blame.
I’m sure I could make a case
That when the cops eyed my face,
They were mistaken and it will be plain to see,
That you were you and I was me.
I guess then just to be safe,
I’ll take a picture of your face,
So when you commit your crime spree,
And there are photos of your flee,
And when you claim to be me,
I’ll show the photo’s emphatically,
And you’ll be doing one to three
And I’ll be the one that is free. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

#79: Our Nation Groans

The pain of our nation continues.

Our nation groans
It weeps and moans
For it is not as free
As this land should be

A plea for peace
For violence to cease
Our nation's been torn
Where freedom was born

Persecution of black
They are under attack
It is now very clear
That they live in fear

Looking around
I see officers down
Fear and a gun
Leaves us all undone

Black lives matter
Blue lives matter
But now they fight
For our nations plight

What will we do
With black and blue?
If we have to choose
Then we all lose

Can we address our guilt?
Can this land be rebuilt?
Our nation laments
As it seeks to find sense

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

#78; With Liberty and Justice for All?

Below is an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence. 

...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...

Although written on behalf of white colonial men and not society as a whole, this document has significant meaning today. The Declaration of Independence establishes what the United States is about. It is about freedom. But throughout U.S. history, freedom has been withheld more then it has been given. And that is our nations greatest fault. 

For whom does freedom ring?
For the merciless Indian savages*? We killed you
For the ones chained in the fields? We branded you like cattle
For the "model minority**"? We never took you seriously
For the one's at the back of the bus? We are still holding you back
For the one's we hired to tend our gardens? We say you stole our jobs 
For the women in the work force? We gave you 79 cents on the dollar
For the refugees from war torn lands? We say you're terrorists
For the ones who came out of the closet? We consider you a disease
For the black man the police pulled over? We claim you're guilty by suspicion (so we shot you)
If freedom and equality is of value, then justice is a paramount requirement
If we see the injustice but stay silent, then how can freedom ring?

*Quote from the Declaration of Independence
**Many Asian American Cultures are considered the model minority

Monday, July 4, 2016

#77: Chained

In America, many of us get everything we need, and almost everything we want instantaneously. If you're reading this, that means you are fortunate enough to have an internet connection. Just over half of the world population currently has no access to the internet. Are you a car owner? Congratulations, you're better off then 91% of the world. But I still get impatient while stopped at a red light, and if my internet stops working, my blood boils. My entitlement spoils the blessings I've been given. The world tells us, MORE MORE MORE and NOW NOW NOW, but what do we really need?


Woe to the injustice that has fallen upon this earth
That was born out of the time of mankind’s birth
Where foolhardy wisdom has shown us the way
To an indebtedness that we cannot repay
We are trapped in a land of continuous sorrow
Where darkness reigns and nothing is hallowed
The emptiness of regret and the sting of fear
Blind us from seeing the blessings that the Lord has brought near
As rain falls from the sky gently to the ground
And the sun shines brightly on everything around
Entitlement becomes our undignified response
We claim to deserve this, with pride and pomp
We tilled the dirt and laid the seed
But we did not create the things we need.