Sunday, February 22, 2015

#6: What the Fish Don't Know

Fishing from the fish's point of view is much different then the human's. Could you imagine biting in to a juicy hamburger and then getting your mouth caught on a barbed hook? The hook then pulls you up in to the air where a mysterious animal proceeds to cook you and eat you? I have; its in the poem below.

Hunger, hunger, I need to be fed
I eat and I eat, or else I’ll be dead
Where is my next meal, where is my next fly
I better find my next meal, or else I might die
I swim in the calm, I swim in the storm
I swim to find sustenance, I swim for the worm
Hunger, hunger, my belly, it aches,
I’m hungry, I’m hungry, survival at stake
My eye spots a sparkle, on this calm winters day
It’s the flutter of wings, on the surface of the lake
I swim to the spot, so I can have my lunch
But this fly looks sorta funny, its wings in a bunch
I take a big bite but made a mistake
This was not a fly, but merely bait
I was caught by my mouth on a shiny little string
It was quite uncomfortable, quite a painful thing
The string pulled me up as I struggled and gasped
I guess this is it, this meals my last
At the end of the string was a surly old man
He held the shiny string tight in his hand
He set me down on the ground of his boat
Then he hit me with a hammer, across my throat
Hungry, he’s hungry, he needs to be fed
He eats, he eats, or else he’ll be dead
He looks at his pan, quite a sizzling dish
Magnificent dinner, magnificent fish.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

#5 - Princess

I wrote these poems back when I was in school at UCDavis. It was a hand written piece, so I hadn't edited it until now. I decided to change the perspective of the poem with a few tweaks. This is written from God's point of view as he is speaking to this girl. He wants her to know that He loves her and He will always love her because the nature of Him is love itself. As bad as things get, and no matter how far she falls, God is completely and ridiculously in love with her. On my best days, this is how I comprehend God to be. My worst days tend to be when I forget this. 

Part 1: Princess don’t follow the king of fools
I see you wandering these streets looking for something to eat
And your heart begins to shudder
As you lie down in the gutter
Where is your faith when your mother has abandoned you
Where is your hope when your father keeps abusing you?
Is this the place that you escape as your hope only deteriorates?
Fifteen years is not so far yet I see that needles mark your arm
Searching for the vein
For an escape from your pain.

But it is not worthy of your time
These aren’t the mountains you should climb
And to think your innocence is lost
To a man who could pay the cost...
of a fix

Part 2: Princess please live beyond these darkest of days
These are the dark days of your past
And there are dark days ahead
It seems like every day is a dark day
When your heart is already dead
Feeling cold and alone
Every moment is despair
Your body needs a fix
To get back into gear
They say “things fall apart”
But you had nothing from the start,
Broken from day one
Your innocence undone
Before your life begun
They tell you what you do is wrong
But it’s the only path you know
The darkness is the land you tread
And you tread this path alone
You have no faith because there is no one you could ever trust
You have no hope because the world has never been just

Part 3: Princess you are beautiful 
You are still beautiful in my eyes
Let me redeem you from the world’s lies
For this pain, it is not right
 it's not my ultimate design
Let me carry you out into the light
Beyond your ideas of wrong and right
Despite the dark days, you are my delight
Here I am with my hand extended, I am the light that never fades

Monday, February 9, 2015

#4 - The Disconnect

Do you think our relationships are strengthened or weakened by the rise of the internet and social media?

Oh sweet connection of the fastest kind
Downloading information in the shortest of time
Of things consequential, my computer doesn’t know
Of things unimportant, on the monitor it’ll glow
You light up my face as I open each file
But of meaningful moments, I’m in denial
For the brightness comes from an artificial light
And it confuses my heart on humanities plight
There are so many places on the web to surf
So much to read that is of little to no worth

Sunday, February 1, 2015

#3 - The Road to Moriah

I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Now that is a loaded thing to say, but I have good reason to believe what I believe. I hope for you, that you understand and have good reason to believe what you believe, because if you don't, then why believe it? 

This poem is written from the perspective of Abraham as he is walking to the region of  Moriah to sacrifice his son Isaac as told in Genesis 22:1-19. I would recommend reading the story from the Bible if you haven't yet for context. 

The basic plot is God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac but just as he is about to, an Angel tells Abraham to stop and then congratulates him for putting God first. For Abraham, his son Isaac was the son born from God's promise which wasn't fulfilled until his wife was 90 years old. So its safe to say it was a miracle that Isaac was born because I can't imagine my Great Grandma giving birth to someone at 90. The idea of sacrificing his son (especially given the circumstances) must have been difficult to swallow. The poem below is my attempt at understanding Abraham's heart and the turmoil within, but also the conclusion he comes to based on what he knows of God. 

The Road to Moriah
The promise of my faith is put to the test as feelings of dread overwhelm
My miracle and joy I will lay on the altar and give to the heavenly realm
For what have I to gain if I disobey the creator?
What is there left to pursue if there is no one greater?
For I cannot turn away from the one true blesser
I cannot ask for the heavens from anyone lesser
For to do that would be the end of my being
It would mean the betrayal of my heavenly king