Fishing from the fish's point of view is much different then the human's. Could you imagine biting in to a juicy hamburger and then getting your mouth caught on a barbed hook? The hook then pulls you up in to the air where a mysterious animal proceeds to cook you and eat you? I have; its in the poem below.
Hunger, hunger, I
need to be fed
I eat and I eat, or
else I’ll be dead
Where is my next
meal, where is my next fly
I better find my next
meal, or else I might die
I swim in the calm, I
swim in the storm
I swim to find
sustenance, I swim for the worm
Hunger, hunger, my
belly, it aches,
I’m hungry, I’m
hungry, survival at stake
My eye spots a
sparkle, on this calm winters day
It’s the flutter of
wings, on the surface of the lake
I swim to the spot,
so I can have my lunch
But this fly looks
sorta funny, its wings in a bunch
I take a big bite but
made a mistake
This was not a fly,
but merely bait
I was caught by my
mouth on a shiny little string
It was quite
uncomfortable, quite a painful thing
The string pulled me
up as I struggled and gasped
I guess this is it,
this meals my last
At the end of the
string was a surly old man
He held the shiny
string tight in his hand
He set me down on the
ground of his boat
Then he hit me with a
hammer, across my throat
Hungry, he’s hungry,
he needs to be fed
He eats, he eats, or
else he’ll be dead
He looks at his pan,
quite a sizzling dish
Magnificent dinner,
magnificent fish.